Govenment Expenditures - Federal Expenditures Overview

Federal Ocean Expenditures Overview

The OMB Ocean Budget Dataset series inludes all ocean and coastal federal expenditures from 2000 through 2006 by department and agency.

Federal Ocean and Coastal Expenditures, 2000-2006

  • 2000-06: Departments that increased: Agriculture, Commerce, Interior, Transportation
  • 2000-06: Departments that decreased: Defense Environmental Protection Agency
  • 2005-06: Only the Department Homeland Security, Marine Mammal Commision, National Aeronautical and Space Administration, State increased

Department/Agency Totals and Percentages, 2000-2006

  • 2000-06 disbursement of $56.3 billion (2000 dollars):
    • 31%; Department of Homeland Security, $17.2 billion
    • 18%; Department of Commerce, $10.1 billion
    • 17%; Department of Defense, 9.6 billion
    • 12%; Environmental Protection Agency, $6.6 billion
    • 6%; Department of Interior, $3.5 billion
    • 5%; United States Department of Agriculture, $2.9 billion
    • 5%; Department of Transportation, $2.9 billion
    • 4%; National Science Foundation, $2.1 billion
    • 1%; each of the remaining departments

NOAA Program Federal Ocean and Coastal Expenditure Totals, 2000- 2006

  • 2000-06: NOAA's top funded programs (year 2000 dollars):
    • 39%; National Marine Fisheries Service: $4.3 billion
    • 28%; National Ocean Service: $3.1 billion
    • 12%; Oceanic and Atmospheric Research: $1.32 billion
    • 7%; Office of Marine Aviation and Operations: $763 million
    • 7%; National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service: $679 million
    • 2%; NOAA Program Support: $272 million

updated 13-May-2015