Arctic Transport-Shipping Data

NOEP's Arctic shipping data contain the total tons handled by ports within the Actic Circle. Data may not be available for each country, region, or port. Please see About Arctic Shipping Data for more information.

The data can be queried from the NOEP database by selecting shipping ports, years of shipments, and types of cargo from the form below, and clicking on the Start Search button.

  1. When selecting ports, start by choosing entries from the Arctic Country list. Multiple country selections can be made. 'All Arctic Countries' are selected by default and represents the sum of all shipments meeting other criteria. Each country selection adds enties in the Region and Ports list boxes.
  2. After selecting a country, its regions are listed in the Region selection box. Entries in the Ports selection list may be added or removed by selecting or unselecting region entries.
  3. The database query of locations are drawn from the Ports list. Select or unselect entries in this list to refine the areas to be searched for data.
Select Ports
Arctic Country
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Years Landed
Cargo Type
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