Govenment Expenditures - Federal Expenditures Terms

Federal Expenditures Terms

Actual: Indicates that all agencies' expenditure values for the selected year are true values, not estimates.

Agency: Refers to any and all agencies, subagencies, bureaus, accounts, programs, and occasionally, departments.

Budget Request: Indicates those expenditure values for some or all agencies requested by the President of the United States, not those that are actually spent in that selected year. "Budget Request" values are not shown as actual values until the fiscal year has been reviewed, and it is confirmed those values were actually spent.

Enacted: Indicates that some or all agencies' expenditure values for the selected year have been made into law. "Enacted" values are not shown as actual values until the fiscal year has been reviewed, and it is confirmed those values were actually spent.

Estimate: Indicates that some or all agencies' expenditure values for the selected year are approximations.

Federal Expenditure vs. Budget: These terms are used interchangeably. Each represents funds of agencies, subagencies, bureaus, account or programs that are connected with ocean and coastal activities.

Federal Ocean and Coastal Expenditures: Dollars allocated by the federal government to ocean and/or coastal related activities. These allocations are reported in the biennial Federal Ocean and Coastal Activities Report volumes.

NOEP Time Series Dataset: NOEP provides federal ocean and coastal expenditures for years between FY1970 and FY2006.

Administration Ocean Budget Dataset: Compiled by the OMB. This data includes all ocean and coastal related expenditures between 2000 and 2006 as reported in the biennial Federal Ocean and Coastal Activities Report. The first report was produced in 2003 on behalf of the Administration in response to the Oceans Act of 2000.

Total Federal Expenditures: All dollars allocated by the federal government to all activities. These allocations are reported in the annual Budget of the United States Government.

>updated 6-Sep-2007