Download the
State of the U.S. Ocean and Coastal Economies - 2016 Update
This latest update report features
highlights from the CBE-NOEP collection of data compiled since the 2014 full Ocean & Coastal report showing
the value of the oceans, Great Lakes and coasts of the U.S.
Download the
Coastal and Ocean Economic Summaries of the Coastal States - Update 2016
These two page ocean and coastal economic summary reports are
provided for each of the 30 coastal states with data complementing
the CBE and NOEP's latest State of the U.S. Ocean and Coastal Economies - Update 2016
Download the
Chinese translation of the State of the U.S. Ocean and Coastal Economies 2014
This Chinese translation of the State of the U.S. Ocean and Coastal Economies - 2014
features highlights from the CBE-NOEP collection of data and publications showing
the value of the oceans, Great Lakes and coasts of the U.S.
Download the
State of the U.S. Ocean and Coastal Economies 2014
This latest update report features
highlights from the CBE-NOEP collection of data and publications showing
the value of the oceans, Great Lakes and coasts of the U.S.
Download the
Coastal and Ocean Economic Summaries of the Coastal States
These two page ocean and coastal economic summary reports are
provided for each of the 30 coastal states with data complementing
the CBE and NOEP's latest State of the U.S. Ocean and Coastal Economies - 2014
Download the
NOEP 2014 National Report Brochure
This brochure contains a brief summary of the information
found in the State of the U.S. Ocean and Coastal Economies
report (above).
Download the
State of the U.S. Ocean and Coastal Economies 2009 -
This is the original National Report from NOEP
highlighting the value of the ocean and this nation’s coasts.
Download the
NOEP National Report Appendices -
These appendices contain data tables supporting the information
found in the State of the U.S. Ocean and Coastal Economies
report (above).
Download the
National Report State Summaries -
Two page ocean and coastal economic summary reports are
provided for each of the 30 coastal states.
The California Ocean and Coastal Investment Study.
This first inventory of a state’s expenditures on coasts and coastal waters
includes the report, appendices, and all relevant data. |
Phase II Florida Ocean and Coastal Economies - Facts and Figures.
The 2008 Phase II Florida’s Ocean and Coastal
Economies Report (see below) is summarized in this
concise report. |
Phase II Florida's Ocean and Coastal Economies Report.
The full 2008 Phase II Florida’s Ocean and Coastal
Economies Report contains detailed facts and analysis
of Florida’s ocean related industries and demographics.
Be sure to also download the important appendices that
are presented in a separate file, Phase II: Appendices
Florida’s Ocean and Coastal Economies Report (see
below). |
Phase II: Appendices of Florida’s Ocean and Coastal Economies Report.
Important facts, tables, graphs, and references
for the Phase II Florida’s Ocean and Coastal
Economies Report, above, are presented in this
separate Appendices PDF. |
How will climate change affect our coasts?
This presentation by Dr. Linwood Pendleton, Non-Market
Economist for NOEP, looks at the potential socioeconomic
affects of climate change on the U.S. coastal regions. |
The Economic Contribution of Marine Science and
Education Institutions in the Monterey Bay
Crescent This report outlines NOEP’s prototype
research project for estimating the economic contribution
of marine research and education institutions to the ocean
economy. |
A Guide to the Measurement of the Market Data for the
Ocean and Coastal Economy.
Released in January 2007, this guide details
the collection, compilation, and usage of the NOEP market data. |
Maps of Florida Ocean & Coastal Economies.
Released in October 2006 in partnership with NOAA’s
Coastal Services Center, this set of maps details
the social and economic changes in Florida’s counties
between 1990 and 2004. |
Florida Ocean & Coastal Economies.
Released in June 2006, this major report includes 15
years of social and economic data and details the
changes in economic indicators. |
Florida Facts & Figures.
A summary of important facts enumerated in the above
Florida Ocean & Coastal Economies report. |
California’s Ocean Economy.
Released in 2005, this detailed study of the ocean
economy in California has emphasis on the changes
in economic indicators between 1990 and 2000. |
The California Summary of Coastal and Ocean Social
and Economic Trends, 1990-2000. This short
summary by NOEP highlights the changes in California’s
coastal and ocean economy and demographics between
1990 and 2000. |
Employment after Hurricanes, which looks at the
Hurricane damage to the ocean economy in the U.S.
gulf region in 2005.
This report by NOEP’s market economist, Charles Colgan,
and Jefferey Adkins, economist and program manager
with NOAA’s Coastal Services Center, appeared in the
August 2006 of the Monthly Labor Review. |
Shore & Beach, Spring 2006 containing
The Non-Market Value of Beach Recreation in
California by NOEP director, Judith Kildow, and
chief Non-Market economist, Linwood Pendleton, on
pages 34-37. |
NOEP Reference Documents
Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Counties, a list
of the CZM counties compiled by NOEP from the
latest coastal zone maps. |
Watershed Counties, a list
of the watershed counties in the U.S. |
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