Offshore Minerals

Oil & Gas Overview

The Offshore Oil & Gas search page provides an easy way to locate and compare production numbers by year and computed dollar value for:

  • State and Federal regions
  • Total U.S. production
  • Associated wellhead price (gas)
  • First purchase price (oil) by year, region

The U.S. has 31 states and Federal OCS regions that produce oil and natural gas. The offshore industry includes: Alabama, Alaska, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Alaska OCS, Pacific OCS, and Gulf of Mexico (GOM) OCS.

Oil and Gas comes out of the ground in different forms:

  • Crude oil is normally classified as light, medium, heavy, or bitumen (tar sands) based on its physical properties. Generally, heavy oil is thicker and more viscous than light oil and therefore must be mixed with a lighter oil or condensate before it can flow in a pipeline.
  • Condensate is a liquid hydrocarbon, which is associated with 'wet gas.' These production numbers are included in the NOEP database when available.
  • Natural gas is a combustible mixture of hydrocarbon gases, primarily methane. Other mixtures include ethane, propane, butane, and pentane. (The propane and butane, which can account for up to 20% of the hydrocarbons present, are removed and sold separately.)

updated 28-Jan-2012