Offshore Minerals

Oil & Gas Data Sources

NOEP thanks the following organizations and agencies for their contributions of time, engergy, and information. It is through their efforts that this unique collection of offshore oil and gas data is possible:

  • Alabama State Oil and Gas Board:
    • Production, Allowables, and Well Status; Technical Operations & Groundwater Protection
  • Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission:
    • Statistical Technician
  • California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas, & Geothermal Resources:
    • Public Inquiries/Statistics, Technical Services
  • Energy Information Administration (U.S. Department of Energy):
    • Survey Manager, Domestic Crude Oil First Purchase Report
    • Natural Gas Expert: Prices - Wellhead
  • Louisiana Division of Natural Resources, State Energy Office of Technology Assessment
  • U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, National Offshore Office:
    • Ocean Resources Management
  • Mississippi State Oil and Gas Board:
    • Department Director, Engineering/Field Inspections
  • Railroad Commission of Texas:
    • Central Records Office

Production Data Sources


  • Production, Allowables, and Well Status; Technical Operations & Groundwater Protection Office of the AL OGB, AL State Oil and Gas Board website:
    • Offshore
      • 1987-2002, Offshore Annual Production Summary (website, last updated 5/29/2003)
      • 2003-2004, Production Summary by Field Reports (monthly, from website, last updated 03/24/2005)
    • State Totals
      • 1992-2002, State Production Annual Summary (website, last updated 05/29/2003)
      • 1987-1991, Technical Operations Officer, dictated over the phone, 11/08/2005
      • 2003-2004, Production Summary by Field Reports (monthly, from website, last updated 03/24/2005)



  • Public Inquiries/Statistics, Technical Services, DOGGR Headquarters, CA Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas, & Geothermal Resources:
    • 1970-1973, yearly Summary of Operations , California Oil Fields (downloadable pdf from website, last updated 8/20/2005)
    • 1974-2004, Annual Report of the State Oil and Gas Supervisor (downloadable pdf from website, downloaded 10/05/2005)




  • Central Records, Railroad Commission of Texas:
    • Offshore
      • 1993-2005, RRC Interactive Online, Oil and Gas Production Data Query, (website, ran 11/3/2005)
      • 1980-1992, Production in Offshore State Waters Report received from the Central records, ran 11/09/2005
    • StateTotals
      • 1970-2004 Crude Oil: Oil Production and Well Counts (1935-2004) (website, 10/20/2005)
      • 1970-2004 Natural Gas: TX Natural Gas Production and Well Counts (1935-2004) (website, 10/20/2005)


  • Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration website:
    • Oil (offshore and onshore)
      • 1954-2004, EIA Annual Energy Review 2004, Table 5.2 (website, updated 8/15/2005)
    • Natural Gas
      • 1954-2004, EIA Annual Energy Review 2004, Table 6.2 (website, updated 8/15/2005)


  • Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement:
  • Ocean Resources Management, MMS Alaska OCS Region:
    • 2001-2005, Production Totals for Federal OCS Northstar Project (website, 2/07/2006)
      • Northstar Project is a joint State/Federal leasing program, with the state allocated 82.16% of the leases and the federal government retaining 17.84%.
  • Gulf of Mexico OCS:
    • 1948-2004, Annual Summary of Production for the Entire Region (website, under Products/free Info, last updated 10/14/1997)
    • 1948-2004, Production by Planning Area (website, under Products/free Info, last updated 08/02/2005)
  • LA DNR Tech Assessment website:
    • 1956-2004, CA, LA, and TX Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Crude Oil and Condensate Production (website, updated 09/06/2005)
    • 1956-2004, CA, LA, and TX OCS Gas Production (website, updated 09/06/2005)

Wellhead Pricing

  • Energy Information Administration:
  • Survey Manager, Domestic Crude Oil First Purchase Report, U.S. DOE: Crude oil wellhead pricing: Table 21 of the EIA Petroleum Marketing Monthly, 09/2005, from website
  • Implicit Price Deflators: table D1 from the Annual Energy Outlook, EIA Website, received 10/11/2005
  • Natural Gas wellhead pricing: Data from EIA website, and the LSU Center for Energy Studies:


updated 30-Jul-2007