U.S. Federal Aquaculture Legislative History
1954: Saltonstall-Kennedy Act
provides authority for NOAA to award contracts, grants, or cooperative
agreements for fisheries research and development projects addressing
any aspect of US fisheries, including but not limited to harvesting,
processing, aquaculture, marketing, and associated infrastructures.
1968: National Sea Grant College Program Act
provides NOAA with authority to conduct research, extension, education,
and communications to achieve a sustainable environment and to encourage
the responsible use of America's coastal, ocean, and Great Lakes
resources, including support for aquaculture.
1969: National Environmental Policy Act
requires NOAA to consider all reasonably foreseeable environmental effects
of its proposed actions including potential effects of marine aquaculture
1972: Coastal Zone Management Act
provides for management of the nation's coastal resources, including
planning for the siting of pollution control and aquaculture facilities.
1972: Marine Mammal Protection Act
requires NOAA to take actions to protect all marine mammals under the
Department of Commerce jurisdiction including actions to address
potential impacts from marine aquaculture facilities.
1973: Endangered Species Act
requires NOAA to take various actions to protect and recover all
threatened and endangered species under the Department of Commerce.
This includes actions to address potential impacts from marine
aquaculture facilities.
1980: National Aquaculture Act
established the policy that it is our nation's interest, and it is the
national policy to encourage the development of aquaculture in the
United States. Under this act, the Secretary of Commerce is authorized
to provide advisory, educational, and technical assistance and to
encourage the implementation of aquaculture technology in
rehabilitation and enhancement of publicly owned fish and shellfish
stocks, and in the development of private commercial aquaculture
1985: National Aquaculture Improvement Act
amended one section of the national aquaculture act. (3)
Section 2 (a)(7) of the National Aquaculture Act of 1980,
16 U.S.C. 2801, was amended by this act by inserting
"scientific" before "economic", and by inserting "the lack of
supportive government policies" immediately after management
1996: Magnuson-Stevens Act
requires NOAA to review activities in marine waters that may impact
managed species or fish habitats. Aquaculture facilities are subject
to review under this act.
updated 1-Aug-2007