Market Data

Coastal Economy Data Coastal Economy Data Information Help searching for Coastal Economy Information
    from historical SIC classifications.   Do you want to search NAICS data?

Coastal Economy data includes all activities and industries reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the coastal counties. To access OceanEconomy Data, which contains only industries dependent on the ocean, see OceanEconomy Data.

To obtain data for Establishments, Employment, Wages, and/or GDP for coastal states, start by selecting one or more states, then select one or more categories in any box and click the Start Search button.

Select State(s) and Shoreline Region(s): Select County(s):
Select Year(s): Select Comparison Year: (optional)
Choose Supersector(s): Select Value(s):
Check for Optional
Coastal Region
Coastal Zone Counties
  Shore Adjacent   Non-shore Adjacent
Watershed Counties
  Coastal Zone Counties   Non-CZ Watershed
Inland Counties
Show Values: In Year 2000 Dollars
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