Ocean and Great Lakes Economy

About the National Ocean Economics Program
The National Ocean Economics Program (NOEP) is the main research arm of the Center for the Blue Economy at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. NOEP provides a full range of the most current economic and socioeconomic information available on changes and trends along the U.S. coast and in coastal waters. The program is funded by private donations and Middlebury College. Plans are currently underway to expand NOEP's scope internationally and to include additional datasets so that NOEP can become an even greater resource for ocean and coastal economic analysis.
- To link the nature, scope, and value of human activities to the environmental state of the coast and coastal oceans.
- To present useful information on the economics and the natural and social resources of the coast and coastal oceans.
- To provide useful data that demonstrates the interdependence between the health of the U.S. economy and the health of the coast and coastal ocean.
Services Provided by the National Ocean Economics Program
The NOEP research program compiles information about economic and social patterns in the coast and coastal oceans. Researchers, primarily economists, policy analysts, and computers scientists, identify, collect and formulate primary and secondary source information, then analyze and interpret it. This information undergoes a rigorous review process for accuracy and utility, and is delivered in a range of formats through a publicly available, Web-based information system. Additional products such as state summaries, customized trends analyses, and forecasting are provided at a negotiated fee.
Current Databases
- Market value data
- OceanEconomy Data (1990-2004 data compiled by NOEP — for the years 2005 and following generated by the NOAA Office of Coastal Management
- Coastal Economy Data (compiled by NOEP from public BLS and BEA datasets)
- Natural Resources Data
- Non-market Valuation Studies Bibliographies
- Population & Housing data
- Maritime Transport (Ports & Cargo) Data
- Arctic Ocean Economy
- Arctic Fisheries Data
- Offshore Renewable Energy Projects
- Federal Marine Expenditures Data
How to Cite NOEP Data
Please remember to cite NOEP for information obtained from us or our website.
To cite the NOEP website, please follow this format:
Author. Title (edition), TYPE OF MEDIUM. Date of publication. Available: Uniform Resource Locator. [Access date].
NOEP Research Team

- Jason Scorse
- Associate Professor; Program Chair, International Environmental Policy; Director, Center for the Blue Economy
- Email: jscorse@middlebury.edu
- Tel: (831) 647-3548
- Office: Craig Building K22

- Charles Colgan
- Research Director, Center for the Blue Economy (CBE)
- Email: ccolgan@middlebury.edu
- (831) 647-4616
- Craig Building CR2

- Patrick (Pat) Johnston
- Data Manager, Center for the Blue Economy
- Email: patj@miis.edu
- Tel: (831) 647-4191
- Office: Craig Building CR-12