The National Ocean Economics Program is a website for the "public good." Visitors are welcome to use the website for any lawful and ethical purpose. We have a basic policy about copyright and fair use. Before you use any data, images, text, or other materials on this website (, carefully read the terms and conditions of this license agreement. By using any of these materials, you are consenting to be bound by this agreement.

1. Ownership of the Site

This website and all materials on it are the property of the National Ocean Economics Program (the "NOEP"). The only exceptions are copyrighted images and other materials owned by others, which are so indicated. This agreement gives you no ownership rights to any materials on this site.

2. Copyright Laws

This site and all materials on it are protected under United States copyright laws, which give creators of original works of authorship the exclusive right to use their works for a limited period of time. With certain exceptions, copyrighted materials may not be used or copied without the permission of the copyright holder. This agreement describes the usage under which you are permitted use of the materials on this site.

3. License to Use

You are licensed by the NOEP to use materials and data on this site for non-commercial data analysis, education, and personal purposes only. When using information you found on this website, cite both the original source of the data, and the fact that the data was compiled by the NOEP. The NOEP has strict guidelines regarding our relationship with corporations and for-profit organizations. You may not create a link to NOEP in a way that might be misinterpreted as an endorsement of any product or service. This license is not exclusive to you, and you may not transfer it.

4. Prohibited Uses

Data tables, charts, graphs, or entire web pages you find on this website shall not be publicly republished without NOEP permission. We regularly update the information in our site, and the copy you republished will age and become inaccurate. Any commercial use of the materials on this site is strictly prohibited. You may not sell, assign, sublicense, or otherwise transfer these materials, copy them for other than non-commercial data analysis, education, or personal use; publish them for personal gain; or remove any copyright or trademark notice, without the express written permission of the NOEP.

5. No Warranty

All materials on this site are made available to you as-is. The NOEP makes no warranties, express, or implied, as to these materials, the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any of the information it provides to the public, or the performance or results you may obtain from their use. We do our very best to make all our data accurate according to the respective methodologies.

6. Limitation of Liability

Under no circumstances shall the NOEP be liable for any direct, incidental, special, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the materials in this site. If you are dissatisfied with any materials in this site or these terms and conditions, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using or visiting this site.

7. Links to Other Sites

This site contains links to other sites. These links do not mean that the NOEP endorses these sites, nor is the NOEP responsible for their contents or use.

8. Submissions

Any suggestions, methodologies, or other materials that you submit to this site shall become the property of the NOEP. The NOEP may disclose or use any such submissions for any purpose without your consent or compensation therefore.

9. Trademarks

The National Ocean Economics Program and logo are trademarks of the NOEP, and may not be used for any purpose without the express written permission of the NOEP.

10. Citations for information obtained from the NOEP website

Please remember to cite NOEP for information obtained from us or our website.

To cite the NOEP website, please follow this format:

Author. Title (edition), TYPE OF MEDIUM. Date of publication. Available: Uniform Resource Locator. [Access date].

Below are some examples:

National Ocean Economics Program. Ocean Economic Data by Sector & Industry., ONLINE. 2015. Available: [14 Nov. 2015]. National Ocean Economics Program. Federal Ocean Expenditures., ONLINE. 2015. Available: [11 Dec. 2015].

Note: NOEP requires that all users of published or downloaded data include proper attribution.

Market Ocean data for the years 1990 to 2004 were generated by the National Ocean Economics Program. The Ocean economic data for the years 2005 and beyond were generated by the NOAA Coastal Services Center. Be sure to cite NOAA's ENOW when using these data:

National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration - Economics: National Ocean Watch (ENOW)., ONLINE. 2015. Available: [10 Jul. 2015].

11. Questions and Requests for Permission to Use

Any questions regarding the terms of this agreement or requests for permission to use materials on this site for any commercial or personal purpose should be directed to: